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All posts in Webmail

How to select emails using checkboxes

You can follow the steps given below to select emails to perform any mass action. 1. Click on the Mail option in your webmail. 2. Click on the Select button from the options. 3. Click on the Selection button from the dropdown. 4. Checkboxes will be enabled from which we . . . Read more

How to Import/Export Calendar entries

You can import/export the calendar entries in Roundcube using the Import/Export option in RoundCube. 1. Click on the Calendar option in your webmail. 2. Select the Calendar that you want to import/export and click on its edit button. 3. Click on the Import/Export option. 4. a) Import Click on the . . . Read more

How to change the theme from Webmail

Roundcube offers a variety of skins which helps you to customize the look of the webmail panel. You can follow the steps given below to change the theme. 1. Click on the Settings option in your webmail. 2. Click on Preferences >> User Interface. 3. Choose the corresponding Interface skin . . . Read more

Archiving Emails

The Archive option is not available by default in the RoundCube Webmail. However, you can set it up in a few simple steps. Step 1: Create a folder manually and name it Archived This can be done from Settings > Folders > Create New Folder Note: Leave the “Parent Folder” . . . Read more

How to open Compose in a New Window

When you compose a new email in webmail, it opens the compose window in the current window by default. However, if you want to compose an email in a new window, you can follow the steps given below. Click on Webmail Settings In Preferences, select Composing Messages and toggle “Compose . . . Read more

How to change the message display from Threads to List

There are two views for the emails in your Webmail’s Inbox Thread View Conversation threading is a feature in Webmail where the software aids you by visually grouping messages with their replies. These groups are called a conversation, topic thread, or simply a thread. You can view the messages in . . . Read more

Move emails from Sent Items folder to Sent folder

You may have observed that there are two folders for Sent in your Webmail Sent Sent Items Sent This is the default Sent folder for your Webmail where all the sent emails are stored. Sent Items This folder contains all the emails which were in the sent folder of your . . . Read more

How to set/change your Timezone

Time Zone is very important when it comes to checking your emails and you can set the time zone in webmail in the following ways. Click on Settings in your Webmail. In Preferences, select User Interface and use the Time zone drop-down to select your respective timezone.  Alternatively, you can . . . Read more