Email Help Center

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File extensions that are not allowed as attachments

From a security perspective, the Mail Server will reject inbound mails containing attachments with any of the following file extensions.  .386  .fon  .ocx  .ade  .fxp  .ops  .adp  .hlp  .ov  .adt  .hta  .pcd  .app  .htr  .pgm  .asd  .inf  .pif  .asp  .ini  .pl  .asx  .inp  .pm  .bas  .ins  .prg  .bat  .isp .scr . . . Read more

Sent folder under Windows Live Mail.

Introduction: This is not exactly an issue but a folder preference under Windows Live Mail. When using IMAP with Windows Live Mail, the sent emails are synced to a new folder: ‘Sent Items’ and not the ‘Sent’ folder, which is the default folder under our email hosting accounts. In Windows . . . Read more

General Information : Email Hosting

What do SMTP, POP, Mail Relay, Mail client and MX record stand for? SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving email. However, since it’s limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, it’s usually used with one of two other . . . Read more

How do I move my emails from one address to another?

Introduction Email can be easily transferred from one IMAP email account to another using any modern email program. The information below is a simple guideline. These steps can vary depending on the email program used. If your domain has not propagated to the new account, then you can set up . . . Read more

Sieve filtering

What is Sieve filtering? At a basic level, Sieve is a system whereby the server is given rules by you to filter your email into folders. It then means that, whatever email program you use, your email is already filed away in to their correct folder according to your needs. . . . Read more